• All orders are shipped within 1-2 business days.
  • Tracking numbers are emailed and are available in your rustic art account once orders are shipped.
  • It takes 3 to 7 business days for deliveries in India.
  • Shipping charges of ₹. 25 apply on orders below ₹. 399. Shipping is free across India on all orders of ₹.400 & above.
  • Kindly ensure that you provide a reachable and correct mobile number. It is required for OTP verification at the time of delivery. This will help avoid any unnecessary delays or wrong deliveries.
  • You can track your order by entering the tracking number of respective courier partner using the links below:
  1. Delhivery Courier
  2. Shree Maruti Courier
  3. India Post

If you have not received your shipment in 7 to 10 business days, kindly reach out to us via email (hello@rusticart.in) or WhatsApp.

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Customer Support Executive

email: hello@rusticart.in
mobile: +918308456956

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